Pune, 20 June 2023: In a significant operation, the Pune City Police apprehended a man for impersonating an Army officer, despite having deserted his duty back in 2019. The accused, identified as 32-year-old Prashant Bhaurao Patil, hailing from Karnataka and presently residing in Chikhali area of Pune city, was taken into custody. The Bundgarden police station registered the First Information Report (FIR) early on Monday following the received information from the Southern Command’s Military Intelligence (MI).

Authorities disclosed that the Military Intelligence (MI) team in Pune discovered that Prashant Bhaurao Patil had procured two Indian Army Subedar uniforms from a store in Khadki, neglecting to settle the bill amounting to Rs. 4,700. Further investigation revealed that the suspect, claiming to be currently serving at the Southern Command in Pune, possessed a counterfeit ID card bearing his photograph in Army attire and the address of the Southern Command.

Subsequently, the Military Intelligence filed a formal complaint with the Pune City Police, leading to the arrest of the accused. Law enforcement officials also uncovered that Patil had obtained a fake Aadhaar card. According to sources, the suspect had been posted with the Assam Rifles but had absconded in 2019. Moreover, he had been implicated in multiple criminal cases related to forgery and defrauding a woman by assuming the identity of an Army personnel on a matrimonial website. Although he was previously apprehended by the Ahmednagar police, he was subsequently released on bail.

The ongoing investigation is now focusing on determining whether Patil has cheated any individuals online by impersonating an Army officer. The police are thoroughly examining his digital footprint to uncover any instances of fraudulent activities or deceitful behavior conducted under the guise of his false identity.

By Rahul Ahire

Rahul Ahire is an experienced and dedicated reporter based in Mumbai, India. With a keen eye for detail and excellent communication skills, he excels in gathering accurate and timely news stories from various beats across the city. Rahul Ahire's commitment to journalistic integrity and his passion for uncovering the truth make him a valuable asset to the field of reporting in Mumbai.

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