Mumbai traffic police have taken a firm stance against motorists contributing to the city’s worsening air quality. This year, a staggering 55,000 motorists have been slapped with fines totaling Rs. 1.5 crore for various air pollution violations.

The crackdown comes as a concerning surge in air pollution levels, particularly during the months of November and December. Around 40% of the total fines were levied during this period, highlighting the need for stricter enforcement during times of peak pollution.

The traffic police have been diligent in their efforts, focusing on offences such as:

  • Vehicle emission standards violations: Smoke Spewing vehicles and those exceeding permissible emission limits have been targeted, with heavy fines imposed.
  • Non-compliance with Pollution Under Control (PUC) certification: The Maharashtra transport department has also played its part, conducting checks on over 13,000 vehicles and issuing fines of Rs. 25 lakh to 2,200 motorists for lacking valid PUC certificates.
  • Other pollution-related offenses: Tampered silencers, excessive smoke, and idling vehicles have also been brought under the scanner.

While the fines generate revenue for the government, the primary focus of the initiative remains tackling the city’s air pollution crisis. The Mumbai traffic police, alongside the transport department, are sending a clear message: polluting vehicles will not be tolerated, and violators will face the consequences.

The effectiveness of this crackdown will depend on its long-term sustainability and the enforcement of stricter regulations against vehicle manufacturers and fuel suppliers. Additionally, promoting alternative modes of transportation and improving public infrastructure will be crucial in curbing air pollution in the long run.

Key Points:

  • 55,000 motorists fined Rs. 1.5 crore for air pollution violations in Mumbai this year.
  • 40% of fines issued during November and December, highlighting peak pollution periods.
  • Traffic police and transport department crack down on emission standards, PUC certificates, and other pollution-related offences.
  • Sustainable enforcement and stricter regulations are crucial for long-term success.

This crackdown serves as a strong message that authorities are taking air pollution seriously in Mumbai. Continued enforcement, coupled with broader policy initiatives and public cooperation, are essential to ensure a healthier and more breathable future for the city’s residents

By Vanshika Gupta

I'm Vanshika Gupta, a passionate blog writer. Currently pursuing my Bachelor's degree, I find joy in crafting words that paint vivid stories and share knowledge. Writing is my canvas, and I'm on a journey to explore its endless possibilities.

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